RSN to be contacted on:
Combat level: 94.73
Total level: 1620
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
73 Att 80 Str 70 Def 90 Rng 83 Mag 51 Pray
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvM and/or Skiller and/or Social
Which region/timezone are you based in?: GMT+00, usually world 42 has lowest ping for me
Brief introduction: Looking for a clan with active voice platform like discord. I enjoy questing (196 QP atm), skilling and such. Would like to get more into bossing but since melee stats & gear aren't the best, I'd probably need a group to go with.
Past community driven games include Destiny 2, Blade and Soul, runescape back in the day.
17-Jan-2018 10:55:52