RSN to be contacted on: loxro
Combat level: 58
Total level: 718
Attack: 47 Strength: 51 Defence: 44 Ranged: 24 Mage: 37 Prayer level: 31
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Social/Skiller/PvM eventually
Which region/timezone are you based in?: United Kingdom/Greenwich Mean Time
Brief introduction: I'm Lox, 28 years old, used to play Runescape a lot when younger and now getting back in to it, recently got a membership and just trying to level skills atm but want to go on to PvM. It would be great to be involved in a clan for support/guidance and for the social aspects!
28-Jan-2023 22:22:19