RSN to be contacted on: Spemby
Combat level: 124.1
Total level: 1929
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 99/99/99/99/99/82
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: PvM/Sovial
Which region/timezone are you based in?: UK / GMT
Brief introduction:
I have been playing actively again for the last 6 months and I like to do PVM content. I joined a chilled clan but it's a little quiet and I wanna learn new PVM stuff, such as TOB, CMs, nex ETC. I've told the leader that I would like to try a PVM clan.
I really enjoy PVM and I always want to imrpove. Recently did my first TOB kc although I have a lot to learn. My best PVM achievement is probably doing the "Budget Setup" inferno Combat Achievement with my bowfa.
My main goal right now is to keep upgrading my gear, I'd like to get a Scythe/Tbow/Shadow and do plenty of PVM along the way to achieve that.
My gear/requirement checklist:
Hybrid: Elite Void, lightbearer, ring of suffering(ri), brimstone ring. Salve(ei)
Melee : Fang, DHL, Rapier, Tent whip, Avernic, Bandos, Faceguard, Primordials, Infernal cape, Ferocious Gloves, Torture, blood fury
Magic: Sang Staff, Kodai wand, Ancestral, Tormented bracelet, Occult Necklace, Imbued god cape, Imbued heart, eternal boots, elidinis ward (not fortified)
Ranged: Full Crystal with Bowfa, Blowpipe, Anguish, Pegasians, Barrows Gloves, Avas (DS2 variant)
Special Attack weapons: BGS, DWH, CLAWS, YELLOW KERIS
05-Nov-2022 13:37:24