RSN to be contacted on: Im Sax / Zodiac Sax
Combat level: 100+
Total level: 1500
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: A: 80 / S: 80 / D: 80 / R: 80 / M: 80 / P:77
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: PvM
Which region/timezone are you based in?: United States (EDT)
Brief introduction:
[Zodiac] is a PvM clan focused on raiding and end-game bosses. Our player base is primarily within the US, but we have many active EU members as well. We are looking for active players who are looking to get into end-game bossing and raiding but don't have anyone to play with. We are also looking for more seasoned players who are looking for a clan to call home. Find a short summary of the clan below:
1. We have rotating Boss of the Week (BOTW) and Skill of the Week (SOTW).
2. Ranks are based on points eared within the clan. You can earn points by participating in BOTW/SOTW, clan events, and earning drops.
3. We are extremely learner friendly and host Cox, ToB, and ToA learner raids whenever we can.
4. We use Discord to keep track of your rank and progress made within the clan. Joining Discord is a requirement to be in the clan.
5. We have a website which we use to track all of our players progress.
If you would like to join the clan, or would like more information, please feel free to contact Sax in game by messaging "Im Sax" or "Zodiac Sax". You can also message me directly on Discord at "NoodleNate#4985".
25-Sep-2022 15:48:42