RSN to be contacted on: Darkfox010
Combat level: 115
Total level: 1827
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 90 attack, 92 strength, 90 defense, 96 ranged, 93 magic, and 77 prayer
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: I want to learn to pvp.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: Eastern
Brief introduction:
I have been playing Runescape since classic. I remember when the best armor set was a rune med, Runechain/addy pl8, rune plate legs, rune longsword, and addy kite/rune aq. I was there when crackers dropped on christmas and when Dragon slayer was put into the game. I remember giant clan wars fighting Di, the alliance, and the anti alliance. I had a sig made by mrxman. My old runescape name was ic3dragon and I played with my brothers Greenfox010 and Runefox010. I came back to runescape shortly after my brother Runefox010 passed away since this is where we bonded the most. I'm looking to learn how to pvp again after like 15 years.
19-Oct-2021 01:12:02
- Last edited on
19-Oct-2021 03:32:20