RSN to be contacted on: CoXLov3r
Combat level: 124
Total level: 1925
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 99/99/99/99/96/87
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: PvM/Social Clan
Which region/timezone are you based in?: PST
Brief introduction: Lets start by getting this out of the way so no surprises. I have a fake RW report against me for stealing a lent item. The report was put in by 2 brothers who I used to be on a CS: GO Team with but had a very bad falling out. We also pvm'd together previously before that. I'm just looking to join a PvM clan but everyone treats RW like the bible. I'm a 25 year old canadian dude who used to play alot, and loves to pvm, but ever since the report, havent been able to. I quit for a very long time, and am just now coming back. Experienced at CoX, Bandos, Sara, Zam, would love to learn ToB. Bunndo#6428 is my discord if anyone wants to get back to me.
16-Sep-2021 03:01:04