RSN to be contacted on: Edward Elrix
Combat level: 74
Total level: 1050
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
67 Attack, 54 Strength, 60 Defence, 61 Range, 70 Mage, 45 Prayer
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
Which region/timezone are you based in?:
My current time zone is PST, which is GMT +8.
Brief introduction:
I'm a long time RS player, both OSRS/RS3. I've played on and off for over a decade. I'm currently in the US military, so OSRS is kind of my get away from work/life. I started playing again in the last 6 months (deployment) because of a couple EVscape and SlayerMusiq videos. I'm trying to get my quest cape before I do anything else, always hated RS quests when I was younger, but something draws me to them now.
I started with EVscape's F2P quest guide, completing all F2P quests in 3 hours and I've been using Slayer's Quest Order list since than to push towards my goal. Currently at 189 QP, I'm looking for a good clan to play with rather it be PvM or just fun social events. I was a hardcore WoW raider back in the day, and haven't got the chance to experience OSRS raids which I would like to do.
Old Alcoholic just trying to relax - Full Metal Alchemist
16-Feb-2021 08:12:44