RSN to be contacted on: Rattatat
Combat level: 108
Total level: 1619
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 76 attack, 99 strength, 76 defence, 99 range, 91 mage, 70 prayer
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: PvP/PvM/Social
Which region/timezone are you based in?: Central
Brief introduction: I play probably 3-4 hours a night most days of the week, more on the weekends for sure. I don't have a ton of boss KC but am able to do them solo, definitely able to in group settings in my opinion. I do like pking as well as head out solo from time to time with entangles and tb, I can also barrage with divine mage pots, planning on knocking 94 out pretty soon though. I'm decent in the wild and can hold my own in a 1 v 1 if need be, I know a lot of the nuances so am good against tank testers. Looking for a clan that does PvP and PvM, willing to entertain joining a strict PvP or PvM depending on the situation.
Looking forward to joining!
04-Feb-2021 23:40:32