Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: att:60 str:60 def:59 range:66 mage:57 pray:55
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: pvm/social
Which region/timezone are you based in?: UK GMT
Brief introduction: hi, im looking for a chill clan that i can meet some friends in to talk/play with, im not the most experienced player and could use some help along the way off my adventure thanks for reading
28-Dec-2020 22:49:41
- Last edited on
28-Dec-2020 22:49:59
rons a don
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Social/PvM/Skiller
Which region/timezone are you based in?: GMT+1
Brief introduction:
Been playing Runescape since 2007 off and on on different accounts. Started OSRS as soon as it came out, playing originally with my brother on a shared account. He took over that account as soon as ironman came out. I started my own ironman and played off and on until about a year or two ago. I got to around 1900 total on that account with two 99s. He later maxed our previously shared account, so I started this account since ironman simply burned me out. It took too much of my time to be worth it in my opinion.
Now I've started out fresh with a bunch of new content and free access to that sweet, sweet drug that drives society around – cash. Been invigorating playing on a fresh account without any limitations. Started flipping a bunch and made a stack that I play comfortably on. I've even found back my love for questing. Now that I've kinda started my RS journey over again, I'm looking for a home where I can meet some friends and have fun with. I've got no previous clan experience, aside from being involved in some gambling clans back when that was allowed. I'm looking for a clan that isn't super hardcore and that can be a chill place to meet new friends!
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PVM/Social
Which region/timezone are you based in?: PST
Brief introduction:
Getting back into Runescape after 2 years, trying to learn all the new content. Started back in 2005, but quit for most of OSRS. As of now, just looking for a clan to help me get comfortable with the game again.
Of the following, which clan are you looking for:
Social/Skilling -> PvM & PvP (eventually)
Which region/timezone are you based in?:
1 Hour behind PST (GMT -9)
Brief introduction: Ayo, typical story here. Been playing forever but finally am putting the time in on Old School to do things the proper way instead of aimlessly toiling away like I did in my youth. Looking for a friendly clan that doesn't mind answering my silly questions and can provide a nice community to game with. I would prefer a smaller but active clan but clearly that is just an ideal to strive for, not a necessity. Social & Skilling are definitely my priorities right now but I do love some PvP/PvM when the time is right.
Looking to progress my account properly this time around and actually achieve some of the proper milestones!