RSN to be contacted on: Tylisia
Combat level: 83
Total level: 1206
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 71, 68, 62, 55, 59, 45
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: PvM/Skiller/Social
Which region/timezone are you based in?: NA- West
Brief introduction: Played OSRS back in '04 just recently got back into it and looking for a group to hang out with. Would like to learn how to go bossing as well as learn from more experience players about efficient methods of attaining my goals.
My availability is generally pretty wide, but is a bit chaotic. General rule of thumb is I'm on from 4am-12pm UTC
07-Nov-2017 08:08:32