RSN: Chief Doggo
Combat LVL: 95
Total LVL: 1582 (at time of submission)
ATK 75, STR 81, DEF 70, RNG 76, PRY 56, MGK 81
Mainly looking for PvM (eventually want to raid) and Social Guild.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Intro: Hey! I'm Joey. I'm a new-ish return to OSRS! This is my first time ever being members and I love it. I really love MMOs and raiding in said games; as well as, being active in a social environment. I play daily. I'm a very active player with hopes of learning to be better at comba. I also love to find new/interesting ways to make money that aren't referenced on guides or wikis. Hope to see y'all soon!
14-Aug-2020 23:09:46