RSN to be contacted on: flowerboi
Combat level: 96
Total level: 1458
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: [Attack = 74 | Strength = 80 | Defence = 70 | Ranged = 80 | Magic = 80 | Prayer = 70]
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: This is my main so really everything maybe a little less skiller but definitely PvP/PvM and Social. I havent got into PvP much but I want to learn and get better but I'm into building my account and doing more PvM with a mix of PvP as I get better.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: West Coast Canada, Pacific Standard Time
Brief introduction: Hey everyone my name is Kai or flowerboi on runescape, Im 21, into skateboarding, playing video games, basketball, music, a bunch of stuff really but I've got back into playing Runescape and think I will be for a long time to come I plan on building my main up and am looking for a solid clan to be social, PvM, and PvP with as I grow and my account gets better. As for my clan history I havent had any in old school unless you maybe could the original 07 game but I have had a more recent one in Rs3 called Gielinor Rising they were a great clan we built it up and had a great group, I stayed with them until I stopped playing Rs3 probably 2 years ago.
12-Jul-2020 20:26:54