RSN to be contacted on: Animorph or reach me on discord (Animorph#3733)
Combat level: 126
Total level: 2277
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: All 99
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Skiller/social and some pvm. (pvm being corp/gwd excluding bandos)
Which region/timezone are you based in?: Eastern
Brief introduction: Hey my names Michael. im from NC, im looking for a home, im currently in a clan that doesn't feel like home. Ive been apart of it for 2 months now? and made no friends. That's what im actually after a place that feels like home where I can make good friends, I have made lifelong friends on this game and want to make more.
Things im interested in:
Star Wars, LOTR, Marvel, DC, Vampire books (I also read a lot) I console game aswell, switch xbox and ps4 always looking for buddies on that also.
Goals on rs:
30m rc exp, 30m wc exp, 30m mining exp, 50k abby demon kills (8,4k away) 120 Defence and fishing )and finally 50m slayer exp. Get Kbd pet (which im currently hunting 1.3k kc right now)
Anyways, hmu in game or discord im very approachable.
28-Apr-2020 18:32:32