RSN- wickrsmith
Combat Level-109
Attack Level-85
Strength Level-98
Ranged Level-92
Magic Level-91
Defence Level-70
Prayer Level-71
Desert Treasure Completed? yes
Monkey Madness 2 Completed? yes
Dragon Slayer 2 Completed? no
Do you have any clan experience? (If yes, what clan(s) and how long). i have had at least 4 clans, one i used to own party on pkers in rs2 for at least 8 months. frog clan in osrs for a few months, they kept me even when i quit. I have had a few other more serious clans but never really got along for a few months.
Have you read and abide by the clan rules? yes
Who introduced you to Tier-1? i saw it on forum search for pvp clan
26-Nov-2022 00:30:26