Username: Eauver
Combat Lvl: 114
Total Lvl: 1977
Total Quest Points: 207
Previous Clans and why did you leave? NA
I've been in CV since banana days. Just never did forum.
Pvm Experience:
Minor solo bosses. HESP, KBD, DODT, Skill bosses
Boss you’d like to learn:
All of them
Discord ID (with correct spaces and capitalizations)
Do you swear to split all drops at COX/TOB unless you make it very clear you are FFA or if the item is gained during a mass? (we always split bows/sigils in masses)
What can you bring to CoinVault to make it a better clan?
Skiller knowledge, great jokes, active
How did you hear about CoinVault?
idk been in for like 3 years
Alt accounts:
Do you have any friends in CoinVault? if so who?
Ehh I talk to most of you everyday lol
Briefly describe Rule #8:
Be a cool guy.
17-Dec-2022 17:04:55