Username:Zammys Flame / Hespori KC
Combat Lvl:125/88
Total Lvl:2112
Total Quest Points: maxed
Previous Clans and why did you leave?
AF clan recently, left because it became inactive. Previously in FOE and SF (pure pk clans) on 1 def pure
Pvm Experience: slayer, GWD, wildy bossing on pure. Revs, both pking and anti pking.
Boss you’d like to learn: TOB and COX
Discord ID (with correct spaces and capitalizations) Jiblethead#4488
Do you swear to split all drops at COX/TOB unless you make it very clear you are FFA or if the item is gained during a mass? (we always split bows/sigils in masses) yes
What can you bring to CoinVault to make it a better clan? Friendly attitude and always down to tank bosses and help people learn. Also ton of experience pking, many different styles and account builds. Lots of pure pking and f2p low lvl pking, always love getting teams out to pk!
How did you hear about CoinVault? Friend from my former clan AF. RSN ChaosedElf1
Timezone: EST (Canada)
Alt accounts: Hespori KC, RAMBOCLOWN, Jiblethead
Do you have any friends in CoinVault? if so who? ChaosedElf1, recently met and raided COX with Ipswitch FC
Briefly describe Rule #8: No staking/lending/borrowing money for stakes. It is allowed individually however. I personally never stake or gamble on OSRS.
27-Apr-2022 02:51:27
- Last edited on
27-Apr-2022 02:53:37
Zammys Flame