Combat Lvl:123
Total Lvl:2074
Total Quest Points:284
Previous Clans and why did you leave? None really just small group of friends.
Pvm Experience: basically everything I know decently well. Lower kc at tob but gettinf better
Boss you’d like to learn: know them all need more tob practice
Discord ID (with correct spaces and capitalizations)
Do you swear to split all drops at COX/TOB unless you make it very clear you are FFA or if the item is gained during a mass? (we always split bows/sigils in masses)
Yes, have done Cox and tob with a few from clan and made it clear at this time I split all but scy and tbow but will split those as soon as I can
What can you bring to CoinVault to make it a better clan?
How did you hear about CoinVault?
Timezone:central and eastern depending where i am
Alt accounts: chewybeaver is my normie
Do you have any friends in CoinVault? if so who?
Imlegitiron, have done tob with got your pet, a true iron, hi im brink. Have done Cox with 2 lower kc guys would have to see their names
Briefly describe Rule #8: #ironman staking is bad
When you finish applying through our forums please join the in game cc and let a leader know so that they are able to help you join our discord and earn your rank! Feel free to call us home!
~ CoinVault Social/PvM ~
25-Sep-2021 14:54:25