Username: Sinatra_og
Combat Lvl: 120
Total Lvl: 1837
Total Quest Points: 236
Previous Clans and why did you leave? this is my first
Pvm Experience: jad, vorkath, lots of slayer
Boss you’d like to learn: eventually raids, tob, and chambers
Discord ID (with correct spaces and capitalizations) sinatra_og#7223
Do you have full void including all helms? not yet but can easily finish getting them
What can you bring to Coinvault to make it a better clan? a lot of dedication
How did you hear about Coinvault? iCant TOB
Timezone/Country? central usa
Alt accounts: i have a few, one maxed melee
Briefly describe Rule #8: no duel arena, i never use it anyways
07-May-2021 22:38:59