Username: palejohnson
Combat Lvl: 104
Total Lvl: 1668
Total Quest Points: 279
Previous Clans and why did you leave? Sociality, didn't vibe with the members and had little opportunity to learn new bosses. They weren't very active, lots of members barely played.
Pvm Experience: 61 kc Vorkath, Completed Fight Caves, Beaten every quest boss, Gotten Fighter Torso @ Barb Assault.
Boss you’d like to learn: Zulrah, then Dagg Kings, then COX, and idk after that.
Discord ID (with correct spaces and capitalizations) palejohnson#0865
Do you have full void including all helms? Yes, not elite though
What can you bring to Coinvault to make it a better clan? I'm committed to improving this account and learning the game. Will gladly help others out who are less further along. I'm not stingy and I get along well with people of all types. I like having fun. Good energy.
How did you hear about Coinvault? Invited by cv Box Box
Timezone/Country? EST
Alt accounts: none
Do you agree with Rule #10: Yes
Briefly describe Rule #8: The clan doesn't believe in staking at the duel arena, but if you can't help yourself don't talk about it with anyone in the clan. Keep it to yourself. Also, never talk about politics or religion, because it just doesn't bring out the best in people 99% of the time.
23-Mar-2021 19:58:01