Username: Smuttysmut
Combat Lvl: 126
Total Lvl: 2155
Total Quest Points: Max
Previous Clans and why did you leave? Not enough pvmers/events
Pvm Experience: 1k TOB, 100 TOA, 650 COX, Infernal cape, Master tier CA complete
Boss you’d like to learn: Sub 75 Inferno, sub 6 CG Kc
Discord ID (with correct spaces and capitalizations) Smuttysmut#5039
Do you swear to split all drops at COX/TOB unless you make it very clear you are FFA or if the item is gained during a mass? (we always split bows/sigils in masses) I do, I am an iron who can also split
What can you bring to CoinVault to make it a better clan? I am a patient and kind teacher for content and general good vibes. I like to zoom for content but not in the sweaty mean way
How did you hear about CoinVault? Sleeping, Blessed4lyfe Mcdeli all told me about it
Timezone: Eastern
Alt accounts: Coom Jar(126 Main account)
Do you have any friends in CoinVault? if so who? Eraser, Blessed, Sleeping, Mcdeli,
Briefly describe Rule #8: No Dming, no acc services or banned clients. Avoid inflammatory subjects
17-May-2023 00:43:52