] Friends Chat - Gilded Altars/Lecterns within world 330 Yanille
-Feel free to stop by and ask for who is open for a updated list, simply join and ask for an altar.
(Message any rank within the friends chat with any questions regarding rank, hosting, etc.) (HOWEVER, if you need a altar or questions on who is open please use the friends chat, I can't respond all the time :] )
Name: Gad Zook
World: 330 (oldschool 30)
Duration: several hours, myself lighting
Location: Yanille
Details: A lvl 90 house with dungeon lounge, combat and monsters downstairs, and upstairs besides g alter, thrones, balance beam, fully loaded workshop, games room,
all portals, both lecterns, everything a house could need.
(Oh yea, the demon lectern is downstairs. Good luck with that.)
Name: Dig imaqtpie
World: 330
Duration: Going for 99 prayer, so quite a while
76/99 atm
Location: yanille
Details: Gilded alter lit 100% of the time, repairs, all teleports, combat ring