I have a question, is there anyway to reset a Defence level that's only 19. Am I able to pay to have it reset. I have an attack with 70 range and for some reason I was thinking of makin a tank for F2p pking. But my stats are 26 str, and 19 def, and 70 range. And I was thinking of wanting to get rid of the defense if i could and make this account member and get this accounts strength up with the pump at blast furnance. Is it possible to pay to get my def reset or should just invest $20 into a new account and use on memberships. Because It shouldn't take to long to get 60 str and 60-70range with cannon and pump but id rather not make another account lol.
Your best bet would be to create a new account. Keep in mind, if you're looking to have a 1 Defence account, make sure to do some research into the events/quests that can give Defence experience.
No. You are doomed. Just start a new account and grind all the levels again if you still want to play OSRS. Oh! Pay membership too, why stay F2P when you have $20 to spend?