Bank pins are meant to be the last line of defense for our items - however, at the same time, they are also meant to not hinder our ability to play the game.
For example, if you forget your bank pin and have a 7 day recovery delay on, it shouldn't prevent you from being able to play for 7 days. Instead, its designed in a way that you can continue to train up your account in a limited capacity. If you want to woodcut and bank logs via a deposit box, you can. If you want to train mining by powermining iron, you can - but the proposal here would prevent you from doing that since you wouldn't be able to drop the iron.
At some point, limiting just about everything to requiring a bank pin is basically having it act as a second password to log into the game. There are other security measures that can better handle that, and as was mentioned above, the extra security that Jagex Accounts have built in should be plenty for the bank pin to continue operating as it currently does, especially considering it requires multi-factor authentication to be able to access an account.
I personally also follow the advice others have posted, I bank my gear prior to logging out for the day. That's just something I've gotten into the routine of doing regularly. Once you know where all of your gear is in your bank, regearing only takes a few seconds and you can be back on your way to whatever content you were doing.
26-Mar-2023 17:10:30