"We are aware of an issue specific to Steam, Jagex Official and Mobile clients.
Entering a new room within the Gauntlet can sometimes prevent you from clicking the floor within that room. Objects are still interactable, but we advise avoiding the content until a fix is deployed."
"We believe this issue to be isolated to the clients listed above, so users of RuneLite and HDOS should not experience this.
The team are working on a fix, but there is no ETA. There will not be a further update this evening."
"We've been made aware that permitted third party game clients (RuneLite & HDOS) may crash when attempting to use your Player Owned House. As we liase with them to rectify the issue, we'd recommend trying the C++ or Java Client to avoid crashing."
So the OSRS team is telling us the game is crashing in different places under Jagex's own clienta and 3PC. If you are crashing in mobile, perhaps you should avoid Gauntlet or play on 3PC. However, on 3PC the game is crashing in different places... like POH... so pick your poisons.
On the Mobile (as well as Steam and official client frons), there won't be an update today so perhaps tomorrow the earliest hopefully.