Sad I lost my 40m and teleporting runes but I was in the moment and genuinely thought I was about to be rich. An account was giving max cash stack away in chat so I being the dumbass traded him and he said "put up all items in inventory" so I did, long behold the 2147k tokens is now 2147 tokens and I lost 38m. What really frustrates me as this is obviously scamming and this person had a max cash stack on the account. Like, what are the odds of this scammer losing all their hard-earned coins by being banned? I doubt they ever will and suspect that they are just a bot designed to scam humans out of their time and have absolutely no consequences. I see bots with over 100m of experience in skills. Honestly entirely demotivating to play this game at this point. Does Jagex do anything for this or am just gonna play another game?
10-Nov-2023 03:22:02