Since someone asked about this:
My new NMZ Range run method in pseudo guide style. Probably not very good.
Head: Armadyl>Proselyte helm****;Initiate helm>Robin>etc.
Body: Armadyl>Dhide body (best style of course)****;I honestly don't know...
Legs: Armadyl>Chaps best type****;prossy legs maybe?
Boots: Robins>Snakeskin
Amulet: Fury****;Glory>please get a glory.
cape: Ava****;god cloak
Quiver: Best bolt you can afford above adamant>Broad>addy>I used steel* (dunt do this).
Gloves: Barrows****;Vambs.
Weapon: Armadyl X bow>Rune X bow****;MSB (replace bolts with rune or addy arrows).
Shield: Book of Law>Unholy Book****;Book of balance>any other god book.
Special notes: If you use full void, replace the required items. Karils X bow combined with Karils armor and an Amulet of the damned if you wanna go big.
1 Magic shortbow or magic shortbow (i)
Rune arrows
Super range (4) pots or overloads (ovlds superior)
The rest are ppots.
6k to hard rumble.
Prayers used: hawk eye + protect from melee (Host required probably).
Power ups used: Recurrent, power surge, zapper.
Using the asterisked items with 12 doses of super range and 25 ppots didnt grab power ups since I was lazy. My results.
Xp: 366,812 to 416,728 (50k therefore).
Points: 100k give or take a few.
Time: over an hour.
Failures included not repotting on time (range pots) letting prayer fail and forgetting to turn on hawk eye a few times.
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