Is there a way to estimate how many chins you’d need to achieve level for both red and black chins? I don’t mind if it’s just a rough estimate.
(This is for levelling range, chinning in MM2 area)
Eg. How many red chins would be needed from level 59 to level 85? (3m XP required)
Eg. How many black chins would be required to level 59 to level 85? (3m XP required)
Eg. How many red chins would be needed from level 59 to level 90? (5m XP required)
Eg. How many black chins would be required to level 59 to level 90? (5m XP required)
If you could provide your formula/workings out so I can use it for other goals, it would be really appreciated.
Thanks in Eg. How many red chins would be needed from level 59 to level 85?
Eg. How many black chins would be required to level 59 to level 85? !
08-Sep-2023 00:11:43
- Last edited on
08-Sep-2023 12:08:33
Real Samuel