
Questions about OSRS

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Jun Member 2006


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"1. Does OSRS have degradable gear?"

Actually plenty of OSRS gear, especially higher level ones degrade:

A few of degradable gear, like the crystal ones can be "corrupted" to stop the degradation. However, plenty of the rest are stil degradable.

"2. How populated are minigames?"

Well, don't beat on the dead horse. the fact is most of the old school minigames are dead content now. Even the newer "Soul Wars" have been dead for years:

You may find a few matches on with mostly bots, otherwise, you may have to buy leeches.

"3. Can I transfer my RS3 account to OSRS?"

Simply no.

"4. How is the grind? Can it be AFK'd?"

OSRS is one of the gridnest MMORPG in the world unfortunately. It is hard to AFK, and obviously so, with random events. Even the slightest AFKish content like Duke mining was patched later due to "AFK training not being intensional".

"5. What are good ways to make GP?"

Get to high level after grinding for years (and it probably doesn't mean you or any new players who apparently don't even appear in the OSRS Hiscores now), and only do bossing and bossing and praying and praying for RNGesus to like you. Don't bother with skilling or minigames at all as every skilling resources have been botted to deep historical lows.

"6. Will there ever be Dungeoneering?"

Nobody knows, but at least it is being surveyed in the 2023 OSRS Annual Survey last December. Even if OSRS started putting RS3 content in OSRS, another new skill like Dungeoneering probably won't come before 2026 as the next new skill, Sailing, was heavily advertised in 2022 Winter Summit and we have yet to see anything, not even the first prove of concept beta, now in 2024.

09-Jan-2024 17:49:45

Jun Member 2006


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"7. How is the monetization?"

Some players don't realize, or are willfully blind, about Bond being the worst form of MTX in the game industry and exist in OSRS for close to a decade now. Bear in mind we don't know about the future of the direction of OSRS monetization, but all kinds of MTX ideas, including buyable in game progression, were surveyed in the OSRS Annual Survey in December 2023.

We should also realize some OSRS content may require additional membership even for players with existing membership.

"8. Is Treasure Trails still worth doing?"

Personally I'll say no. The odds of getting something worthwhile in OSRS Clues is exceedingly low and most clue rewards are just cosmetics, let alone with very low and unworthy odds, and not useful or converted to be useful in any in game content at all.

"9. What other differences are there between RS3 and OSRS?"

It is like comparing watermelons to grapes, not even apples to oranges. RS3 is a bona fide classic MMORPG with persistent in game progress and a fully operational player driven economy, as well as neverending episodic sagas of our avatar, while 90% of the OSRS content is limited time events and game modes that are totally detached from the main game... or in other words OSRS can't even be called a MMORPG at all.

09-Jan-2024 18:01:55

Jan Member 2022


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While I get you have a strong opinion on OSRS, please do stick to facts here. Random events are still a thing, but they're entirely opt-in, and will never abduct you somewhere without your consent. If you don't like them, you can disable them. Easy as that.

Furthermore, Jagex aren't opposed to lower intensity training methods, but Duke mining was literally free (albeit relatively low) xp without any attention whatsoever for hours on end. OSRS isn't an idle game. The method set a new low for the amount of required attention required to get xp. Given that Duke mining threatened to push OSRS in the idle games direction, I think they made the right call to put a stop to it. If you want progress with zero investment on your side, OSRS isn't the game for you. Given that we've had the same discussion on another thread, I'm going to leave it at this.

I do agree that bots are an issue, which is also why I found Leagues IV refreshing: I hadn't seen any bots there as far as I could tell. I had a blast over the last 2 months, and wouldn't mind something similar returning with an original twist to it.

Just be aware that most of what we're saying is biased by our own opinions. I'd recommend giving it a low-stakes shot yourself to see if you like it or not. You're doing your research, and that's a great first start. If you have the time, I can recommend ironman mode. You'll function entirely separate from the bots, and it brings along some interesting challenges in my opinion. For me it also brings along a strong sense of progression when I unlock something new, I think it's nice to see my account tangibly grow.

09-Jan-2024 22:38:31

Jun Member 2006


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Your opinions are obviously biased as you even admitted so:

"Just be aware that most of what we're saying is biased by our own opinions."

Please be advised I replied to OP, not you. They clearly asked for the grind and AFK issues in OSRS, not "lower intensity training method" as you tried to deflect to. They also didn't ask for Leagues 4 etc, and obviously so, because xp and gp from Leagues 4 can't be carried forward to the main OSRS content.

Having your own strong or weak opinions about OSRS is fine, however, OP didn't ask for any of these and my replies to OP also have ZERO relationship to your own biased opinions.

10-Jan-2024 01:44:19

Jan Member 2023


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I think a lot of your questions have been answered pretty well!

Bigger picture though; I'm pretty convinced once you dive into the game you'll love it again.

With regards to minigame popularity, it's worth noting that even if a minigame is popular, its often done as a means to an end rather than 'for fun' like we all used to in the RS2 era.

10-Jan-2024 06:58:40

Jan Member 2022


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Did I go a bit on a tangent in response to your post? Perhaps, I figured that with OP researching the topic in a wide scope, they might appreciate the nuancing of some of your statements, as one of them is easily proven false. Did the OP specifically ask for said tangent? No, but I have my suspicions that they might appreciate it nonetheless. Neither of us can say whether my remarks had any value to the topic at hand, in this specific case only the OP can be the judge of whether it helped them with their concerns at hand or not.

I'm also aware that you didn't initially reply to me, but that's the beauty of an online forum: anyone can respond to anyone the moment someone posts a contribution to a thread. I saw enough reason in your reply to chime in with a different perspective.

Also, 'lower intensity training methods' is a broader term under which also AFK methods fall. Not sure what your gripe is here, I'm fairly sure I responded on topic here. If my initial response hadn't been clear from the get-go: Yes, OSRS is a very grindy game, where you'll be expected to put in a certain degree of effort to get xp. Methods which require more of your attention generally award more xp. I definitely recommend doing stuff on the side during grinding, like watching a show or reading up on other things.

Does OSRS have issues? Definitely, but in my opinion there's still plenty of enjoyment to be found. I'm aware that this is my (biased) opinion, and will happily share that disclaimer so that people can take that into account when I give advice (based on said opinion).

If there's more questions with regards to the OP or to my previous replies, I'll gladly do my best to answer them.

10-Jan-2024 11:13:11 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2024 11:13:47 by HeroicStache

Jun Member 2006


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HeroicStache said :

Did I go a bit on a tangent in response to your post? Perhaps, I figured that with OP researching the topic in a wide scope, they might appreciate the nuancing of some of your statements, as one of them is easily proven false. Did the OP specifically ask for said tangent? No, but I have my suspicions that they might appreciate it nonetheless. Neither of us can say whether my remarks had any value to the topic at hand, in this specific case only the OP can be the judge of whether it helped them with their concerns at hand or not.

Yes, you absolutely went tangent in response to not my post and made personal comment directly about me, and your response is also tangent to all the questions OP asked.

If you "figure that OP researching the topic in a wide scope", you should respond and ask OP, not me who just tried to answer precisely what OP asked for in their simple questions just like all the other RSOF users who participated in this thread except you.

Since your questions and responses regarding what you think OP's scope and their judgement are, I can't speak on behalf of them, neither can all the other RSOF users except OP, and therefore it doesn't like there is point for further discussion between your comments regarding me personally and not all the other RSOF users who replied to OP exactly on the topic and not the person. Bye!

10-Jan-2024 17:48:15

Sep Member 2023


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I'll add a slightly different perspective. I originally played from just prior to the start of RS2 until some point after Summoning and Dungeoneering were released. I came back to the game earlier this year, and didn't want to play RS3 in it's current state, so gave OSRS a go. It's turned out to generally be the game I remembered, but with a number of alterations (mostly positive once I wrap my head around them). I played most of the ftp content until I was sure I wanted to continue, and added an annual membership back in October.

My character is now mid-level with most levels sitting in the 60's and 70's, with a few higher and my lowest just hitting 50. I've been having a great time so far! I've been using old content and new almost equally which has made my current experience far different than my original one.

Will I enjoy the end game content when I get there? Who knows, but I know I've enjoyed the time I've spent so far. And as far as I'm concerned, that is what matters most.

10-Jan-2024 17:59:45 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2024 18:01:42 by Kranyar

Jan Member 2022


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Dilbert2001 said :

Yes, you absolutely went tangent in response to not my post and made personal comment directly about me, and your response is also tangent to all the questions OP asked.

If you "figure that OP researching the topic in a wide scope", you should respond and ask OP, not me who just tried to answer precisely what OP asked for in their simple questions just like all the other RSOF users who participated in this thread except you.

Since your questions and responses regarding what you think OP's scope and their judgement are, I can't speak on behalf of them, neither can all the other RSOF users except OP, and therefore it doesn't like there is point for further discussion between your comments regarding me personally and not all the other RSOF users who replied to OP exactly on the topic and not the person. Bye!

Please don't put words in my mouth, and please refrain from doing so again. Never have I personally attacked you, and it wasn't intentional if it did come across as such. In my response to you I merely corrected you on how random events behave in OSRS, which is an on-topic remark in this discussion. I challenged that statement, not you as a person. This initial flawed answer led me to provide my own viewpoints on your other given statements to add to what was said, not to discredit those. This all in an effort to sketch a more complete picture for the OP.

You genuinely did get me curious though. If it wasn't the above what felt like a personal attack, what did? I try to keep (online) interactions chill, and unintentional triggering won't help anyone in that regard. I'll promise to keep it at that if you don't give me more reasons to reply.

10-Jan-2024 22:23:08

Jun Member 2006


Posts: 30,311 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
More detailed information for some of OP's questions:

"4. How is the grind? Can it be AFK'd?"

OSRS is definitely far more grindy than RS3, and far more so now than in 2017 when you apparently stopped playing RS3 as your Runemetric profile suggested. For most activities, you need to bank in OSRS but thanks to invention and other new skills "oh brb, inventory full, going bank" is hardly a thing in RS3 anymore. Rest assured you can't AFK with your inventory full of ores or fish in OSRS. You need to bank/drop/eat/alch them etc... and I don't know how you AFK it.

"5. What are good ways to make GP?"

There is still an old school way of making gp without too much investments in training skills and getting high level gear now in 2024 OSRS. In the old days, poor players pick up garbage combat players left on the ground. In 2024 OSRS it is still the case. Picking up scum makes you a lot more gp than training OSRS skill.

11-Jan-2024 00:43:49 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 01:02:19 by Dilbert2001

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