Anybody knows if there will be a Winter Summit 2023 with roadmap of OSRS content in 2024?
We had Winter Summit 2022 around the same time last year, and no words this year. The last OSRS Jmod Livestream was 24 days ago. OSRS doesn't seem to be having the big show this year, right?
Anyway, even without a Winter Summit 2023 and no roadmap and no content reveal livestreams, or until they come, we can predict what is coming up and when too.
What do you think are the big headline updates? Sailing late in 2024... or 2025? Sailing got to be the biggest update next year (if it came next year).
IIRC, they are planning on a new rat boss for lowbies, an inferno like clone with waves of mobs, new Hunter method which is more like completing hunter assignments similar to slayer tasks, twisted tales kind of short quests and a mid level dungeon.
What else, and when do you think they will come? Expectations?
Anything else, and when do you think they will come?
08-Dec-2023 20:01:41