Forestry rewards are completely untenable as an ultimate ironman. Forestry rewards require redwood logs. Redwood doesn't even trigger forestry events and is minimally impacted by forestry. Items tradeable that can be refunded when they shouldn't be able. World-hopping to farm events.
NPC only accepts noted logs. UIM can't obtain noted logs from actually woodcutting. Which is fine. But the leprechaun event that was proposed to note logs for UIM... doesn't actually do so. Scrapped without discussion from the community. I've green-logged Shades of Mortton and can count the number of times noted redwood was obtained on one hand. There was *some* thought put into it, since arctic logs were made noted.
First off, the NPC should accept unnoted logs. Secondly, allowing UIM access to noted logs from forestry would have minimal impact. Snape grass being added to farming allowed UIM to note snape grass when they couldn't prior. THAT was a bigger deal. And I don't recall some fuss about polling whether UIM would be able to use it or not.
All that combined with the beta being unable to launch, and the update being split in half. This isn't an oversight. You didn't even open your eyes.
FYI, OSRS originally planned to release the first part of Forestry in May. It is actually not rushed, but delayed to June rather.
Bugs do happen, unexpected (and unannounced) technical issues do happen, even when some planned content is delayed, not rushed. We should also notice part 2 of Forestry is (again not rushed) by delayed from August to September, we can just hope no more bugs or unexpected technical issues pop up.