Quest: Heroes' Quest
Gang Type Required: Phoenix
Date and Time: 8:15pm
Location and World: Brimhaven entrance gate, 359
Additional Requirements/Information: I'm at the point in the quest where I must exchange
the "miscellaneous key" with my respective Phoenix Gang partner. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, I appreciate your cooperation!
Quest: Shield of Arrav
Gang Type Required: Black Arm Member
Date and Time: 8:31 Central
Location and World: Varrock Center, OSRS 2
Additional Requirements/Information: At the point where I need the other shield half
30-Nov-2015 02:33:12
- Last edited on
30-Nov-2015 02:56:29
Beam Cannon
Quest: Shield of Arrav
Gang Type Required: Phoenix
Date and Time:6:40 PM Pacific
Location and World: Varrock Center, OSRS 330
Additional Requirements/Information: At the point where I need the weapons storage key.
Quest: Heroes' Quest
Gang Type Required: Phoenix
Date and Time: 8 pm
Location and World: Brimhaven entrance gate, 329
Additional Requirements/Information: I'm at the point in the quest where I must exchange
the "miscellaneous key" with my respective Phoenix Gang partner. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, I appreciate your cooperation!