Quest: Heroes
Gang Type Required: Black arm (Im Phoenix)
Date and Time: ASAP
Location and World:Any
Additional Requirements/Information: PM ASAP
Can you tell me who helped you? thx Bro
19-Mar-2017 05:45:04
- Last edited on
19-Mar-2017 08:20:30
Combat level 66 and still need to complete this quest! Last F2P quest I have yet to complete. I joined the Phoenix gang. Need someone to complete this with. I already have the 2 Phoenix crossbows you need if you are going to join the Blackarm Gang. Add me in game if you'd like to get this quest over with.
Quest: sheild of arrav
Gang Type Required: Black arm gang
Date and Time: asap
Location and World: any f2p
Additional Requirements/Information: I have my half sheild ready to trade key across as cant kill weapon master myself.
add me in game asap.