I am doing a personal quest. That means something that it is not actually a part of the game, but something I want to do. I want to get all 99's in the same day. What this requires is that I get everything with in striking distance of 99 without exceeding it. The problem I see is from hp and slayer. There are things that require combat, but do not give slayer exps, or give little slayer exps compared to hps.
What I am doing with combat is getting mage and strength exps without combat, leaving only defense, attack and range to give hps. I do not know of anything that will give these exps without hps getting exps as well. I know there are quest that allow you to choose what skill you put the exps in, but those are limited. Currently, I am putting tears and genie, plus the rare random lamps, exps towards slayer. Unfortunately, these are also rather limited. I figure I will be able to get something like 500-600k a year towards slayer maximum. That would mean I would be limited to doing 1500-1800k in combat without slayer. I don't know if this would be enough for nightmare zone (to get imbues) and others needed combat.
Can anyone suggest a way to get slayer exps without combat so I can get them both to near 99 without one exceeding it?
05-Nov-2023 23:14:40