RSN to be contacted on: rockcakego/bluecakego
Combat level:90&100
Total level:1600(almost) and 1700+
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:base 70's feel free to look each of us up
Which region/timezone are you based in?:I am usa east, blue is hour and half ahead
Brief introduction: we are looking for up to 3 people, or willing to join a group when the update comes out, but we are a package deal
as far as quests go, both of us have just about everything done, except some of the end of the road quests like ds2 sote, i know i myself have neglected some of the dwarven quest series, but both of us are over 230qp at the time of this post
bossing experience and overall playing experience, both of us have 2100+mains, i have made 2 ironmen, both 2k+ (deironed for reasons that gim fixes
, blue has mostly played as main, but hes ahead of me as it stands in gim right now, so he is doing good work. my pvm experience is any slayer bosses, all gwd bosses, cg, wildy bosses(if you count them) and chambers, only tob experience was in leagues, besides trying to learn duos in max gear (couldnt accomplish it way back then but not brute forcing tob on leagues has made me understand the mechanics sooooo much more) blues experience includes everything i have excluding tob and cg. we both have dabbled in nightmare a little bit and nex masses, i have a very very small amount of experience in small 5 man nex teams(but that was in max gear as well.)
some further clarification i should add, if people are wanting to join our group, wed prefer 1500+ total, blgloves as a requirement, if we would leave to join your group we would prefer everyone in your group also at least meet that req.(some slack maybe if there is one person a bit more stacked to make up for the other two being more fresh to the game? it would really just depend i guess. us east/within 2-3 hours of it either way is req. discord STUD#5390