The old slayer helm looked like a retro torva helm with some of the face exposed, the old bronze-rune made you look like you were a chicken with a disease. The old dragon, bandos, and arma looked like they were designed by a blind kindergartner, and the old barrows looked like mub smeared over your body with a grey mop on top of it.
If you don't enjoy the great graphical updates that Jagex releases in order to make this game look like it was designed by someone who has a brain and wasn't made for children under the age of 7 it looked like this in the past because they didn't have the money for good graphics, but now they do so like any game developer that has a brain and made the game look like it was something that might appeal to the average game audience. So if you don't like the great graphical and gameplay updates that are released to make the game better. Then quit or get used to it.
Or, we could rework everything in this game to where it looks like it used to be, let's make the black knight's fortress look like a small pile of rocks stacked on top of each other, let's make tally look like poorly painted white walls with some brown beams, and most importantly, let's bring back the old animations and character models for EVERYTHING!!!!! Isn't that a good idea, then more people will play the game because it looks like a giant diseased cheeseburger!
^ sarcasm
25-Jul-2014 00:20:02
- Last edited on
25-Jul-2014 00:20:50
Wolf Cola