I was a bit annoyed that, for example, the only hairstyles I really liked were only available as an entire pack and even then they were both from the female counterparts of "male" sets (Owen and ozan hair). I would love more aesthetically pleasing outfits or hairstyles actually intended for us
I would also love to be able to recolor more things as well to rainbow color patterns. I feel like a stereotype because I like rainbows so much
I love the rock stick overrides as well so more stuff like that would be nice too in my opinion.
Uhh... btw, malice alice, don't I know you from munclesonkey's fc? Your name sounds so familiar.
25-Jul-2015 08:48:53
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25-Jul-2015 09:08:05
male tears
male tears
I was a bit annoyed that, for example, the only hairstyles I really liked were only available as an entire pack and even then they were both from the female counterparts of "male" sets (Owen and ozan hair). I would love more aesthetically pleasing outfits or hairstyles actually intended for us
I would also love to be able to recolor more things as well to rainbow color patterns. I feel like a stereotype because I like rainbows so much
I love the rock stick overrides as well so more stuff like that would be nice too in my opinion.
Uhh... btw, malice alice, don't I know you from munclesonkey's fc? Your name sounds so familiar.
Never been to that FC, but there is someone who copied my name and is named Alice Malice (just the words switched around) you might be thinking of.
Mod Mohawk
Hey guys! I've been working on some concepts in my free time which I uploaded on Twitter a little while ago. If any of you want to have a look and give me some feedback that would be much appreciated! Find me at @JagexMohawk.
-Pink weapons! Who doesn't want to color their drygore or ascension crossbows pink?
-And feminine designed weapons, Think ALICE IN WONDERLAND! Things that would reside in that universe would mesh well with RuneScape.
War fans as an override for main-hand and off-hand weapons would be cool, especially when combined with the sandstorm run animation. I'm not sure I would say they're feminine, considering their origin; but war fans suit female martial artists in movies, including animated ones, well. War fans can feature feminine designs although I'm not sure how noticeable the designs would be in game.
"Kindness can sometimes bring forth an even greater sadness." - Homura Akemi
28-Jul-2015 05:56:57
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28-Jul-2015 05:57:26
K-ON Ritsu