I purchased the vitality inactive crossbow and teddy and they won't show up on my character in-game. I clicked apply and when go to see that if it applied the cosmetics it doesn't show them it just shows whatever I have equipped ex. My mithril crossbows. I even have the items saved to my preset. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong?
The vitality inactive crossbow is a 2h ranged weapon override, so you'll need to wearing a bow or 2h crossbow for that to show up (1h crossbows don't count sadly). For the teddy, you need to wield an offhand magic weapon such as a book or orb for it to show
Hello, I have a similar issue with Craftmaster's Fletching Knife not displaying when I'm fletching. I'm using an offhand override for my orb but this doesn't display when I'm fletching, only the standard knife displays. Is it not possible to use the one of these two overrides that corresponds with the tool or weapon?