After getting the rune armour gilded and saradomin I noticed that there is no kite shield it would be nice if jegex would add them in an update to current bundles and not a separate bundle. wonder if any one else noticed?
The Replica Metal Plate Armour bundle has shields why can't these have them?
17-Sep-2023 14:01:28
- Last edited on
03-Oct-2023 13:40:56
Temper Metal
Jeremy Cheng
Knowing the investors behind jagex, they'll certainly charge us for the kiteshields.
That's why we all should get them to not do that and complain like we have with hero pass like that would be like going to the ge and buying an armor set and the ge clerk is like here's your set sorry we're out of kite shields .
I think it's intended to be an 'outfit' only bundle, without accessories (like some other cosmetic outfits). The original guilded armour sets contain the shield, so may make sense to include this.
I was very dissapointed that the set didnt have a shield. After all the original outfits had them.
I guess we just all assumed it would be a replica set... true to its word.. evidently we were wrong.
I would also like to see the other sets of rune armors.. guthix zamorak the ancient bandos, armadyl i think that is all besides the 2 already out.
Regardless i think they should bring the other sets out. I would love the zamorak it was my fav back in the day. The ancient is the purple and again i loved it.
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.