The recent update has screwed up my browser and it look like even worse graphics that a paint drawing by Simon, but I think the removal of randoms is good.
I,m sorry to say this Runescape but haunted house is not very much fun.
example 2009 was much better,cmn you can only get an cape in f2p.
i really was excited about halloween every year and every year is was a succes ( my compliments for that ) but now only a cape not even a outfit.
im not pulling your down or something ( im dutch sry for bad english ) but this isnt the halloween i espected
TEAM RIGHTEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much negativity among runescape players. Just have fun even if it isn't your favorite! That's what gaming is all about! FUN!
mine is messed up too. I can't read anything. The script is all messed up. I can see who is in clan chat, and what is in my pack, but can't communicate. I can see the main screen. Is there anything I can do to fix it?