Ahh it's good to be back. People relax, you WILL get your experience no matter what, it doesn't really matter when you get it. Do not worry you will receive your free experience whether it be today or tomorrow it doesn't matter.
Hi guys, there is currently a bug with the delivering of the notes, apologies for the inconvenience, Mod Zach will update his first post on the first page updating on this issue.
@Radchen (copied from Mod Zach's Post)
***TO ALL***
It's looking like the bug is in the delivery of the item to all players (hence why no one is seeing their note). I will make an edit to my first page post but it is being worked on but if you could continue to remind people on this thread that's the case I would greatly appreciate it.
TLDR - There appears to be a bud in the way the item is being delivered but they are and have been working on it all day. As soon as I know any more info I will let you know.