It says about the skill needing to be a minimum level, can you tell me what the level has to be to use the exp on it? i havent recieved mine yet so i was hoping to find out now, just to make sure i can use it on the skill i want to
31-Aug-2012 10:20:30
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31-Aug-2012 10:23:16
Enjoying SoF,
Ahhh a long point well made. I will pass on your feedback.
Ril ey,
Just trying to find out for you.
Not really the same thing at all. It's just rewarding members. 350k in terms of impact on a skill is still very low. In fact I am sure (Don't hold me to this) when I was getting my 99's I was getting that sort of XP in a day or two towards the end when the XP rate was higher*
*May well be a strange twisted memory
Mod Zach
this signature!
31-Aug-2012 10:22:15
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31-Aug-2012 10:25:48
Mod Zach
edit: Mod zach, i read somewhere (in sizzling summer article) that at the end of september we get 350k and 700k on top of the 350k (which makes 1.4m) is this true or did i just read it wrong?
Iced Earth \m/
Clan Leader for
Destined Few
31-Aug-2012 10:29:30
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31-Aug-2012 10:31:08
Iced Earth
Just buy spins, its not like Jagex are selling xp or gold or anything *cough*