Nice Zach, socialising was my thing too until my old socialising buddies left RuneScape, so I'm currently looking for new socialising buddies. My perspective of this game is quite similar to urs on this game, so I'm glad to see others whom are like me. But yeah, other then that, best of luck and wishes Zach with those skills.
31-Aug-2012 13:23:11
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31-Aug-2012 13:23:51
As delightful as your statement was, let's not encourage activity not legal in most countries.
Bas Xx1,
Not sure Bas,.. There is a FAQ on it somewhere. I see if I (or some other clever person) can dig it out.
Plenteous is awesome and green hair is BAWS... FACT
When do we have to use the xp thing by?
And if we don't want to use it right away, can I destroy it - if it's in my inventory - and have it returned to Diango so that I can use it in the future if I choose to?
thapussy, stop making drug references you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and drug use is not promoted by Jagex. So please, do us all a favour and stop.
31-Aug-2012 13:23:59
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31-Aug-2012 13:24:24
wow mod zach you got ALOT of patients with these guys (well atleast a few of them) its ridiculous how people dont read they just see this fourm and post a question that has been asked 10 times allready and get mad that they dont get answered instantly... guys read before you ask a question! your question isnt special and it has been asked and answered multible times and explained in the main post on the news!
Icesurvivor, Ron of Lumby,
No need to be worried. We are looking into it. It may be a few hours yet.
Quote: Not a Angel "ps: wish i had same signature as mod zach he makes me jelly=$"