On another note- sorry, my internet is being finnicky, so I'd rather not edit my last post... :C
Precisely how do shades form? What /makes/ the shades of Mort'ton so aggressive, what requirements are necessary to make any shade, normally?
Are the Mort'ton shades formed because of the swampy atmosphere?
Does this make the shades of Mort'ton different from the Mysterious Shades of Daemonheim?
Why is there an entire tomb dedicated to them? Who built it? Was the tomb built for other inhabitants, or could it have been a sort of morgue for the corpses to be cremated?
Why is there so much valuable stuff in those tombs? (This would be obvious if the tombs were a morgue.)
If the tomb /was/ a morgue, are the shades the abandoned spirits of the people who were waiting to be put to rest before the town suffered the plague?
In another off-topic question: Were elements and ores like (and especially) coal on Gielinor formed naturally? Or were they created all at once by Jas? What about Guthix?
02-Sep-2012 00:42:03
- Last edited on
02-Sep-2012 00:53:05