
First Official RS Live Stream!

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I shall end your madness!
Can't wait to see your questions Robo :P
I have a question of my own. How exactly did the God Wars really end? Was it Guthix smashing Gielinor? Or was it a murderous rampage by the enraged Dragonkin? Why does Bilrach call the Kin "Enders of the Great War"?

30-Aug-2012 09:21:33

Captain Lime
May Member 2019

Captain Lime

Posts: 6,940 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Lime Spontaneously combusts in excitement*
Alright, much like a Genie, I will limit myself to 3 questions... Maybe just a few more...
1. When will we get to see the continuation of the Desert Storyline?
2. How's the MEP3 coming along?
3. Do you ever read the Quests that people post on the RSOF suggestions forum?
4. Will we ever get a sequel to Meeting History?
5. Could you give us a sneaksy-peek at what the Dragonkin are planning? (Not expecting an answer. Asked this one cause it would break my and Robo's heart if I didn't)
6. When can we expect the Dwarf Graphical update we were promised with the release of 'Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf'?
7. How many more BarrelChests will we see? The BarrelChest mk1 was my own personal Nomad. Died more times to it that Vanstrom and Nomad put together, and I counted. BTW, killing the BarrelChest mk2 wasn't revenge enough, and I died to the BCMK1 even after I finished the Quest 0_0
8. Will Acheron be the Penguin motherland? (Please say no...)
9. The Eastern Lands now seems like, as a friend put it, the "land of RWT". Quite simply... *cough* is it?
10. Most of the gods seem incredibly, shall we say, two-dimensional. I would even go so far to say that Saradomin is one-dimensional. Any plans on fixing this?
11. How should I say this... Is there a... erm... super-secret-incredibly-evil-city-sized-underground-Daeyalt-Refinery in Morytania?
Yeah, just went a bit over... >.>
^ "Some of those words were
" - Mod Raven

30-Aug-2012 09:55:20 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 10:47:49 by Captain Lime



Posts: 372 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
views of the people are pretty obviouse arnt they?
solomons store is cosmetic and a waste of time spent, as you can tell by the feedback
but with tregards to the bank space, if you think buying it is a good idea why wasnt it a good idea to give us the option to have it before??
squeel of fortune obviously is bad because people dont like the idea of buying advantages in runescape, they dsont like how new people have such an adevantage
over the old people witht he free spins, and they dont know how you can say you dont like bots when you ***** up the game in the same way,
obviously since people at the top want to stay at the top ands not have people buy advantage ver them, they will be forced into buying the stuff, you are just trying your hardest to :
Legally scam people..

30-Aug-2012 10:15:52

Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Posts: 19,808 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok, I couldn't sleep, but I thought of some questions already.
Sorry if they've been asked before, I'll thoroughly check (just scanned earlier) the thread when I wake up and edit out if they have, but I've put some pretty good context in them I think. They've been questions that have confused me with the lore for awhile, and would be great to get some insight on them.
The ones I'm posting now are just timeline-order-based questions, sorry for the wordy way of asking them but I have to put my reasoning in for each side.

1) Did Seren enter Gielinor in the First Age or Second Age?

Due to the Meeting History quest taking place in the First Age, and the fact that we can see an Elf nearby, and after reading all of the Elven lore books suggesting Seren brought them through the World Gate to the west where they soon founded Prifddinas, it would heavily confirm first age. However, in one of the Elven books it says Seren came here in the 2nd age. Is that just a typo, or a no longer correct statement? If it is true that she came in the 1st age, then would it be possible to correct the in-game text stating otherwise?
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.

30-Aug-2012 10:29:58 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 17:04:53 by Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Posts: 19,808 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
2) Were the Mahjarrat brought into Gielinor (as Icthlarin's Stern Judges) during the 1st age or 2nd age?
I could be wrong but I'm not sure there's anything directly saying either or. The Mahjarrat rituals take place every 500 years and as the 18th one that just happened would suggest it's been at least 9,000 years that they've been here, and as the setup the ages have for years (1st - 4,000, 2nd - 2,000, 3rd - 4,000, 4th - 2,000, 5th - ????) would imply it would have been as far back as the 1st age (ofc, the years are only approximate for the ages so it *could* have enough 'estimate left out' years to make up for the ~1,000 years difference).
Some reasoning against them being 1st age is that, well it's just unknown, it would seem most of the gods came during the 2nd, would the pantheon really have started this early? Senliten refers to Zaros being a newcomer god so that would suggest 1st age... But then the Vampyres say they remember days before the Mahjarrat and I don't think they would have been here *that* early.... Hmm....
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.

30-Aug-2012 10:30:38 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 17:07:06 by Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Posts: 19,808 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
3) At what point in time did Efaritay's ~600 year reign over Hallowvale (Morytania) take place?
My first guess would be 2nd age, but Zaros was there at one point in time in that age due to Senliten saying she was fighting "Zaros from the dark lands of Morytania" (But... Hallowvale was apparently non-dark while Efaritay ruled, I thought? Wasn't the dark lands only due to Drakan's takeover, making it perpetually dark, evil, and swampy? Also why was it called Morytania so early? Did it go back between names while it was ruled between Zaros, Efaritay, and then Drakan, or was it always called Morytania but only a section of it was Hallowvale?)
The Morytania campaign led by the Barrows Bros seemed to suggest Hallowvale had been taken over by Drakan in the 3rd age, it was described as dark and all that but called Hallowvale at the time, at least to them, so it had to have been before that. It would make sense it was at this time that it was taken over as Zamorak promised Drakan land for helping him in his rebellion against Zaros, Morytania must have been that land.
Now, a different point to this question: In the most recent Myreque quest it's suggested there were Icyene forces fighting against Drakan 'centuries ago' from the current time. I'm fairly certain 'centuries ago' wouldn't be referring to the ~6,000 years or more initial take over? Did the Iceyene come back and try to take it back? Was Efaritay still there and all? It's a nice mystery, but I'm just curious if they're truly separate. Any insight would be nice on this ;o.
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.

30-Aug-2012 10:31:00 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 17:10:07 by Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Robo Hobo

Posts: 19,808 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4) In Daemonheim, some of the dates on the journals contradict eachother, potentially.
Environmental Notes (part 1) (there was never a part 2, will there ever be?) was written, according to the journal, during the 5th age, like year 56 or 59 or something (just from memory, it was something like that) . However, in Stalker Notes Part 5, written on the year 1845 (I think, again rough guess) it references several journal types being 'scattered' across the floors, among these was 'Environmental Notes'. So, is it just another date discrepancy or more meaning to it? Still want part 2, part 1 was interesting :P
5) Did Bandos come in during the 2nd age (or earlier?) or 3rd age?
Again there's nothing mentioning anything earlier specifically and it would make sense if he only came during the 3rd age, due to the God Wars. In the Goblin commandments book it suggests he came to them to help aid him in his war. I've seen a lot of people think it was 2nd age but I haven't been able to find any sources for this, so this is why I ask.
That's all I can think of atm... Again, sorry if anyone else has asked these before, will edit them accordingly if so when I check over through the thread tomorrow.
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.

30-Aug-2012 10:32:21 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 17:11:15 by Robo Hobo



Posts: 2,774 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elves please!
1) Is there an ETA on a release date for the last quest in the Elf series?
2) When Priffdinas is opened up- will this have something to do with the Gods coming back to Runescape?
3) Who linked the Elvish language to Welsh? (also given that Elves sing magic was this an inspiration too?)
4) Did the Elves discover the portal to Gielinor on the beaches of Rhyl?
Many thanks!

30-Aug-2012 12:25:38

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