2) Were the Mahjarrat brought into Gielinor (as Icthlarin's Stern Judges) during the 1st age or 2nd age?
I could be wrong but I'm not sure there's anything directly saying either or. The Mahjarrat rituals take place every 500 years and as the 18th one that just happened would suggest it's been at least 9,000 years that they've been here, and as the setup the ages have for years (1st - 4,000, 2nd - 2,000, 3rd - 4,000, 4th - 2,000, 5th - ????) would imply it would have been as far back as the 1st age (ofc, the years are only approximate for the ages so it *could* have enough 'estimate left out' years to make up for the ~1,000 years difference).
Some reasoning against them being 1st age is that, well it's just unknown, it would seem most of the gods came during the 2nd, would the pantheon really have started this early? Senliten refers to Zaros being a newcomer god so that would suggest 1st age... But then the Vampyres say they remember days before the Mahjarrat and I don't think they would have been here *that* early.... Hmm....
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.
30-Aug-2012 10:30:38
- Last edited on
30-Aug-2012 17:07:06
Robo Hobo