"This update is a disgrace.
Stop releasing updates that don't benefit anybody that dosn't have money irl. It's pathetic.
If you stopped giving us so many crappy SOF items then maybe we wouldn't need to buy more bank space?
If you truly believe that it's quest items that are filling up our banks than you need to wake up and smell the coffee, as it's about 60% bank stuff that can be thrown away and 40% SOF crap that you can't do anything with.
How about make the SOf items fit into the toyboxes in the poh's instead of trying to sell us bank space? oh that's right, because this way, you make more money on things that we as members should be given for free anyway.
You obviouslly have realised that our banks are full on the members space you've given us, so why not give us more for free?
thanks for nothing as per usual"
28-Aug-2012 15:12:49