"I have some constructive critism. I already mentioned it in my previous post but it was a bit negative so it wont be replied to. We as a player base dont like microtransactions and we dont like seeing developer time got to the sof and solomons. If you would spend less time on those and more on updates that all can enjoy and not have to spend additional cash to enjoy it will be much appreciated. I understand that the sof and solomons aren't going away, so why spend so much time trying to shove them down our throats? We aren't going to like them any better.
Instead, put them on the back burner so to speak. Deal with them in small amounts. Do not connect almost every new update to either of them. It's just to much to quick. As a player I hate them and am getting sick of no new content that isn't microtransaction related. I know others are to. So, do it as a ratio. A good number will be 10:1. 10 updates available to all paying members with no rwt, for every 1 update involved in sof and solomons. It will benefit both parties, we will get our satisfying updates and you will get the extra cash.
I would like if a mod would please reply to this with their thoughts." --Tritanx
Hey Tritanx,
All I can say at this point is keep an eye on the newsfeed as it will answer your questions. (I know I sound like a broken record a bit on this, and I apologize for that)
28-Aug-2012 19:42:02