Actually, on the note of Signature Heroes, when you lot released these Heroes, you were going on about how great they were and how we'd have quests and other things to do with them.
Other than the fact that I can sometimes come across them in the Runescape world, and just chat about the quests I've done, or the fact that I met the Raptor and Xenia in some quests. (forget about me mentioning the tragedy that is now Burthorpe)
I've seen less -real- content concerning them (excluding my own character being #7) than I have seen concerning the S.O.F. and S.G.S.
Will we see updates that actually concern the Runescape world itself, or will it stay at -every- week an update to S.O.F. or S.G.S., and then -some- weeks an update to other things?
As far as I understand from one or another Jmod's post in this very thread, due to microtransactions the Jmod team has been able to increase.
Shouldn't that mean that things which were hyped up about long ago, or even things that were hyped up about recently (Signature heroes), should get at least as many updates as the (obviously disliked) S.O.F. and (currently headed downhill) S.G.S.?
29-Aug-2012 14:42:56