Yet again, a trusted loyal runescape long term member lured/scammed off of his bank that took an out standing amount of time to acquire. Not to mention all of the money spent always attempting to be more cautious and be weary of these horrible people but what does this company do after 13 years of complaints??? Not a single thing. Thank you jagex for scamming me of lots of hours actually 201 days and 11 hours of game play and every single cent i've paid to try and promote this game to evolve into newer better things. Yes you can keep the 1 year premier club membership that I purchased earlier this month. So this is just another annoyed player hopefully this time signing out for the last time. Keep on sitting around while the veteran players get pushed aside, handle the new ninja updates, add new custom cosmetics thats exactly what some of us have been complaining that we needed for what since the launch of the game. Keep on promoting lurers and scammers, and before you remove this remember thats another dollar out of your pocket all we are to your website is another sucker that pays monthly, just another number.
31-Dec-2017 03:40:04