I agree with Blizzardfrog. Messing with the game to much screws it up !!! Eoc has changed our game to much, it was great prior to then ! why mess it up ?
We did'nt get a vote for eoc, yet we get a vote for 07 ?
I have noticed since 07 server came back has messed with player's xp and clans xp??? wth Jagex ? Its a mess, plz fix it ! It jus does'nt make sense some player xp on clan page were rolled back to zero an other increase mega amounts ????????????????????
We have had a clan members xp on clan page go insane high that is rarely on an some that play often go to Zero xp, Jagex please explain this to me ?
22-Feb-2013 18:15:33
- Last edited on
22-Feb-2013 18:23:39
lady larikin