"All you have to do is 'Like' our Facebook page. Here’s how:
Click the button below.
Follow the on-screen prompts. (We do need your email address and display name so that we can contact you directly if you win.)
That's it!"
Oh is that it? This is nothing against Jagex personally, but it sickens me that pretty much everyone (company and/or person) now assumes that everyone else has a facebook account. There's no recognition in your steps of those who do not have facebook, they simply assume that we all have it, because we're all mindless drones that use a frankly shoddy website in order to keep in contact with people we like to think we know, when we really don't.
I get just as angry when someone says to me irl "Add me on facebook?" Thank you for assuming I have it, because there's no possible chance, of course, that I don't use it! Oh wait....
I have no problem with someone winning lifetime membership this way, I have a problem with the entire rs community being grouped into facebook-using morons...some acknowledgement that there are some of us who don't use it would be nice.
15-Aug-2012 16:11:35